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Boutique studio florist located in Molesey, Surrey - creating floral displays and arrangements befitting any table, home, event or venue.


My Table Floral Design Studio is located in East Molesey, Surrey. We Specialise in wedding and event floristry, providing flowers for all occasions from intimate celebrations through to large scale weddings and events.

Our signature style is seasonality, with a wild and whimsical twist. Combining natural palettes, textures and scents to create romantic floral design and styling inspired by the the seasons.

A selection of floral designs are available to order online and we are always very happy to create bespoke orders.



My Table create floral wedding designs befitting any venue and any couple. Taking inspiration from the season, setting and your own unique style we curate and create breathtaking tablescapes, floral displays and wedding party designs.

For wedding enquiries please email

Studio & Workshops

Seasonal floral workshops for budding florists and flower enthusiasts