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At My Table Floral Design, our signature style lies in creating timeless, romantic, and abundant florals, with a focus on seasonal styling. We work closely with our couples and clients to enhance their chosen venue with bespoke floral designs that bring their vision to life. From intimate gatherings to grand celebrations, every wedding and event is thoughtfully curated to complement the occasion and setting. Each project is approached with dedication and care, ensuring every design tells a story of beauty and celebration.

We take care to ensure every client receives a dedicated and personal planning experience. Consultations can be scheduled virtually or in person, and quotations are provided following these initial discussions. To start the process, please get in touch through our enquiry form.


Our studio is not only a creative space for floral design but also a place for learning and inspiration. We run a number of seasonal workshops, offering a hands-on experience for those looking to learn a new skill. For creatives and individuals beginning their floristry journey, we also provide 1:1 or tailored group sessions.


My Table Floral Design is owned and led by Maria, working from her studio near Hampton Court, Surrey. After a career in marketing and events, Maria retrained as a florist and launched her business in 2018. What began at her kitchen table, creating bespoke orders around her three young children, has flourished into a thriving business specialising in weddings, events, and bespoke floral designs.

Maria is proud to be a recommended supplier for iconic local venues including Hampton Court Palace and Hampton Court House, among others across Surrey, London, and beyond.

For an inital chat please get in touch by email.